The first issue of THE VISION Newsletter is being sent out to our mailing lists since 31 July. It takes up from where Indoor Skydiving 2020 | First Global Summit had left off, as a deliberate effort to establish ongoing dialogue between stakeholders across company lines and all divides that could fraction one skydiving discipline from another.

It is a no-frills publication circulated as a PDF. Six articles that focus, one way or another, on skydiving coping with the COVID-19 pandemic and the fallout the latter produces to the detriment of the sport's continued growth. A synopsis in the newsletter links to the full-length article on this website.
Advance copies went out to a select group of readers on 31 July. Roland Hilfiker, the initiator of the Indoor Skydiving Vision publishing efforts, wrote in an accompanying message: "We had all left Castelló d'Empúries in a hurry in early February, planning to get back to our thriving businesses without delay. Well, it turned out differently, with SARS-CoV-2 - something that was barely on our radar back then - starting to wreak havoc and taking its toll on human life, the economy ... the world as we knew it until now."
"The regular exchange between the different stakeholders in skydiving - indoors as well as outdoors - stands to benefit the sport's development more than anything. In this spirit, I hope you read through this first issue and consider contributing to the second in about two months."
If you can think of people who could be interested in receiving the periodical publication up to a maximum four times a year, have them subscribe at the bottom of this page.