Entries in the Sky on Stage ORIGINAL contests are about to undergo the three-tier assessment that will determine the winners. A total of 14 entries in three events were submitted by the 31 December 2021 deadline.

Ever since the end of November, the general public is able to watch these entries and express appreciation by voting for them on the respective Sky on Stage (SoS) video platform. Of the 9 entries in the 2-way freefly/style event in the ORIGINAL contest, the most voted and the second most watched until today is the performance by Ena Rickert and Anthony Malie. In fact, with well over 200 plays to date, it is the only performance to garner triple-digit votes and 80+ Facebook likes.
The performance by Coralie Boudreault and Greg Crozier accrued a record 314 plays and 120 Facebook likes, but somehow remained below the mark of 100 in votes.
All 2-way freefly/style videos will now get circulated to three panels of assessors: the participants (peers), a large group of experts and a smaller group made up of artists. They will be able to rank the performances as per their own criteria. Between the rankings by the three panels of assessors, an overall standing from first through ninth will be established. We will keep you informed.
Let us also remind you that the other two SoS contests, THROWBACK and INDOORS, continue open for participants to submit their entries through 30 January 2021. Go for it, make these contests even more popular! If wind tunnels are closed and it is impossible to record something new for INDOORS, look at the performances you have on file and enter it in THROWBACK.