Work continues to define the format and the appropriately loose "regulatory framework" for the Indoor Freestyle event of Sky on Stage, the Artistic Skydiving Contest. Music should be one of the key ingredients to the performances that the contestants will submit as video recordings. They can choose it from a limited number of tracks that artists have produced and selected specifically for this event.

The selection of the music is kept fairly wide in terms of genres: anything from b-boy beats to the almost classical. That the selection is limited to approximately 24 tracks is one of the distinguishing features of the contest and has two reasons. First, that two or more athletes could decide to perform to the same music provides interesting insights for future editions of the contest. Second, the SoS organizers insist that only music with all rights cleared is used.
Greg “Le Greck” Lymberis is a beatmaker who hails from the Olympic Capital Lausanne in Switzerland. His music is recorded for breaking – initially – but the six tracks he provides for SoS are specifically selected and adapted by the artist for Indoor Freestyle.
Listen to more "Le Greck" tracks on Bandcamp, SoundCloud or YouTube!
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