It may lack the structure and scope of the current HandiFly programs in France and across Europe, but inclusive indoor skydiving is very topical around the globe. Just one example: "Getaboutable" is a social enterprise focused on improving travel and leisure options for people with disabilities in Australia. All profits are re-invested to empower people with disabilities to participate in travel and leisure activities, and to help the travel and leisure sector be more inclusive for people with disabilities.

Indoor skydiving is the simulation of free fall conditions in a vertical wind tunnel. The invention of modern wind tunnels has given skydivers a consistent and practical way to develop and hone skills that usually require jumping from an aircraft.
The increase in availability of wind tunnels has created a new genre of the the dynamic air sport – bodyflight! There’s no parachute, no jumping and nothing attaching you to planet Earth! It’s just you, the air and an incredible adrenaline rush.
iFLY Downunder takes pride in offering facilities and experiences that are accessible and inclusive for people of all abilities. Indoor skydiving is one of the most all-inclusive activities, thanks to the state-of-the-art wind tunnel providing a fully-controlled, ultra-safe environment giving almost anyone the opportunity to fly.
The nature of the activity means that carers can go through the whole process with someone else and provide assistance if necessary without having to pay any entrance fees.
Get more information here!
One of the most compelling stories in inclusive indoor skydiving is the one involving the Belgian Paralympian Marieke Vervoort. And not because the champion chose to end her life in October 2019, but because she chose to give flying/skydiving a try two years earlier.
"You see your wheelchair standing outside and you're flying like a bird!"